10 March 2018

Que Sora Sora

Do you ever have those moments when you feel like the Universe is just... speaking to you?  Aware of you?

(I can hear my husband's voice in the back of my head: "Here we go...")

I do.  Fairly often.  And sometimes these moments are fairly silly, seemingly un-spiritual, or overly dramatized.

But I believe that God can and will speak to us in whatever way we are willing to hear.

Which brings me to this spikey-haired, blue-eyed character that has provided quite the conversation piece lately, thanks to a pair of socks my husband got me for Christmas.

Shad showed his truest love by bestowing the beloved Sora socks, considering his complete disdain for the video game that has awakened the closet gamer in his wife.


But this is not a post about video gaming, nor about how much I have loved discovering the Kingdom Hearts series over the past year and a half.

When cleaning up the Christmas wrapping paper, shipping boxes and gift receipts, I noticed the order confirmation for my nerdy gamer socks.

The product name read "Que Sora Sora."

I always appreciate a good play on words, but this-- this resonated deeply, and seemed a little too coincidental.

The original phrase is "Que Sera, Sera," meaning, "Whatever will be, will be," which has been the patience-trying, faith-demanding, ulcer-inducing theme of my life and my husband's life-- our life-- since about a year ago, but especially the last seven months.

I've encountered painfully uncertain times before, but this go-round has been particularly difficult-- maybe because we're adults now and it's just us two and it's our future and what about the plan and the clock is ticking and what     will     happen.

A couple months after Christmas, when counseling with one of my Grandmas, she said on my way out, "Que Sera, Sera!"  Which reminded me once again that, even though the heavens had seemed quiet lately, Someone knew that I was struggling, that I took comfort in cute little Sora, that a repeated phrase would be noticed.

We are hanging in there-- striving harder than ever to embrace patience, show faith, and be brave.

But in the meantime, I hope Shad keeps buying me cleverly-titled nerdy gamer socks.

Recent additional comforts:

"You can't connect the dots looking forward..."

"Notice Isaiah did not say that you will find the Lord right away or that He will answer all of your questions right now.  He did promise, however, that as you wait upon the Lord, you will have the capacity to endure life's uncertainties."

"Just because someone doesn't hurt as long as you hurt, doesn't mean they don't hurt.  I now understand what it feels like to be told, even unintentionally, that my pain isn't that bad.  I'm sorry to those of you who confided your hurt with me and I told you that it could be worse."

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